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Callington Community College

Callington Community College

Callington Community College

Creative Art


Art Intent

In Art we aim to inspire creativity within every student. We believe that incorporating techniques and media across a range of diverse themes encourages our students to unlock their imagination, which is vital to their journey of becoming lifelong learners, critical and creative thinkers, and successful adults.

Following the guidance of the National Curriculum for Art & Design we introduce students to a range of artists, craft makers and designers where they underpin the practical skills that inspire our units of work. As students progress, they are encouraged to think critically and explore new materials and techniques; they feel confident in their own creative journey and how that shapes sustained pieces of work. Within our curriculum we revisit knowledge to empower our students to reflect and grow with their skills and use of media, where creative challenge and confidence grow as they do. Through a breadth of themes and practitioners we embed SMSC and diversity into our curriculum, discussions, and outcomes. We celebrate the creative potential of our subjects and our amazing students whilst they are with us and on the next steps of their journey.

Through a highly ambitious art curriculum and excellent facilities within a purpose-built Art block we showcase our students work with regular displays and exhibitions. We work within our local community to share the excellent work that our students produce, our local Tesco has supported us with exhibitions and the Elmer trail project, Mayfest and our giant puppets are always a huge community success and our photographers are regularly asked to cover events within the College.

We want our students to walk through our classroom doors and engage in high quality, thought provoking and creatively diverse lessons where achievement is celebrated. We want them to leave our lessons with new knowledge and experiences and an open mind.

By the end of their education in Art & Design at Callington Community College, all students of Art will:

  • be confident artists with a variety of experiences and skills that they have developed through our spiralling curriculum.
  • be creative and confident, prepared to take creative risks and review and refine their work.
  • be successful independent students who enjoy learning, understand how to make progress and achieve to their full potential and be proud of what they produce and achieve.
  • be confident self-managers and team-workers, who are willing keep an open-mind about new ideas and techniques.
  • be responsible citizens aware of the role and place in society and the importance of art in contributing to society locally and nationally.

In order to fully appreciate Art & Design and develop a deep schema, topics in Art & design have been intelligently sequenced by the following rationale:

  • Development of observational research and development of ideas that cover a range of art movements and a diversity of artists and practitioners.
  • Engage students in the process of designing and making art by reviewing and evaluating our schema using student voice.
  • To develop primary and secondary research into their own ideas through collected imagery, photography, drawing, and annotating in line with the recording strand of the curriculum.
  • Use a variety of art techniques and processes when developing ideas. Interleaving the skills and assessment objectives throughout the key stages at our College.
  • Develop and reflect on their work. Through annotation, extended writing tasks and DEAR time encouraging research and reading beyond the classroom.
  • Understand the relationship between context of artwork on the influence of subject, process, skills, media and effects achieved. Interleaving the 4 assessment areas through each project and theme.

The Art curriculum at Callington Community College has been influenced by a range of skills and artists that enable our students to access the schema. We regularly review our content and have more than one pathway for differentiated journeys. 

Our Art curriculum addresses disadvantage through support with sketchbooks, resources and equipment where we share and donate to the students who need that support. When approaching a new theme particularly at GCSE we have group discussions where cultural capital is a shared and rich sharing experience. We check in with students regularly and ensure immediate and rich feedback.

We believe that Art & Design contributes to the personal development of all of our students through looking at a range of cultures and practitioners from all backgrounds and locations. Each year group looks at the work of another culture, and artists/designers underpin our schema. We look at the life journeys of artists where mental health, sexual orientation, life-style and race are rich elements of our curriculum. These opportunities to build an understanding of Social, Moral and Ethical issues are developed alongside links to the wider world, including careers through visiting artists, links to colleges and universities, visits to museums and galleries and community projects.

Art Y7-9 Knowledge Overview - click here

Art Y10-11 Knowledge Overview - click here



Photography Intent 

At Callington our Photography curriculum ensures students are challenged and introduced to a wide range of photographic knowledge to inspire creativity.  We understand the importance of photography in a global setting and capturing life as well as telling stories. It can also become a viable career option with businesses worldwide relying on photographers and designers to help promote and sell products. Photography is also an incredible hobby and is an instant art form which can be practiced and developed quickly throughout a person's life.

Following the guidance of the National Curriculum for the Photography AQA framework we introduce students to a range of Photographers and alternative influences which underpin the practical skills that inspire our units of work. As students progress they are encouraged to think critically and explore new photographic techniques and editing techniques in order to build on their own journey through their sustained investigation.

Within our curriculum we revisit knowledge to refine skills to empower our students to reflect and grow with a view to developing their work bringing in their own style mixed with influences.

Throughout the course we explore a range of photographers covering many cultures and backgrounds. It is this that helps give our students a more worldly perspective.

Through a highly ambitious Photography curriculum and excellent facilities ranging from 30 DSLR cameras, 33 computers, photoshop, a professional studio and a large selection of interchangeable lenses all set within a purpose-built Art block we showcase our students work with regular displays and exhibitions.

We want our students to walk through our classroom doors and engage in high quality, thought provoking and creatively diverse lessons where achievement is celebrated. We want them to leave our lessons with new knowledge and experiences and an open mind.

By the end of their education in Photography at Callington Community College, all students of Photography will:

  • be able Photographers with a range of skills and experiences developed over the course of their study
  • be creative, confident and have the ability to take risks and work with influences from an ever-changing social environment.
  • be independent learners who enjoy developing and learning new skills successfully and understand how to make progress and achieve to their full potential and be proud of what they produce and achieve.
  • be confident and open-minded to new ideas and processes.
  • be responsible citizens who are aware of how having the ability to manipulate images well on editing software comes with responsibility to upholding morals.

In order to fully appreciate Photography and develop a deep schema, topics in Photography have been intelligently sequenced by the following rationale:

  • Developing ideas based on investigations of influences whilst understanding key elements of their work and how it can support their own.
  • Engage students in the process of planning and shooting by reviewing and evaluating our schema using student voice and what they would like to learn.
  • To develop primary and secondary research into their own ideas through collected imagery, photography, drawing, and annotating in line with the recording strand of the curriculum.
  • Use a variety of processes and photographic techniques when developing ideas. Interleaving powerful knowledge throughout GCSE and Alevel at our College.
  • Develop and reflect on their work. Through annotation, extended writing tasks and DEAR time encouraging research and reading beyond the classroom.
  • Understand the relationship between context of images on the influence of subject, process, skills, media and effects achieved. Interleaving the 4 concept areas through each project and theme.

The Photography curriculum at Callington Community College has been influenced by:

The Photography curriculum is based on the AQA specification which allows for a unit of workshops and supporting evidence followed by an extended investigation. This investigation changes yearly to reflect new advancements in photography and camera abilities as well as what is happening in the world around up.

It is important to build on the ideas and influences that change quickly in order to keep the schemes fresh and up to date.

Our Photography curriculum addresses disadvantage through:

Students are continually shown good practices from former and current students therefore encouraging all to work to a high standard.

To support this students have access to annotation windows, sentence starters, key words and phrases both on Google classroom and pinned up in the classroom.

All students have access to a camera, computer and editing software meaning photography is open to all students.

We believe that Photography contributes to the personal development of all of our students through:

Students will be given the opportunity to explore their identity and the world around them via the coursework titles which remain open and free to interpretation. They will be given all the equipment necessary to reach their full potential meaning no student will be left behind as they are provided with everything.

Opportunities to build an understanding of Social, Moral and Ethical issues are developed alongside links to the wider world, including careers through:

As students progress through the key stages in photography they will be challenged on a range of issues and common misconceptions around the use of photography in advertising in social media influencers. As they move into A level photography they will start to use contextual links within their work with a view to adding a greater narrative to their investigation. This can then be intertwined with their other influences as they develop their outcomes.


Design and Technology

Design and Technology Intent

“The ability to use tools and materials to make things and change the environment has given us evolutionary success, the resources, the time and the freedom to develop as a species with culture.” 

“In a sense anything that we have made is physical and useful rather than purely aesthetic can be included under the term of design and technology: architecture, engineering, furniture design, home appliances, fashion and so on.”

Design and Technology, and Construction are hugely important subjects within secondary education. Both disciplines are fundamental to human existence and progress, ever since our ancestors shaped the first tools, and constructed the first shelters. New and emerging technologies and building methods are always evolving.  Over 2 million years ago a knife hewn from flint was indeed ‘cutting edge’ technology. Today, steel can be cut precisely with a .040“ diameter jet of water travelling at over 900 mph. It never dulls or overheats! Conversely, some of the most sustainable buildings today are made from straw bales and rammed earth!

Design and Technology, and Construction therefore are an inherent part of our evolution; they are responsible for our many successes such as breakthroughs in electronics, ‘smart’ products, and civil engineering. They are equally responsible for achievements such as advanced weaponry and the use of fossil fuels that have, in the last 150 years, led to catastrophic failures and consequences for mankind. The construction industry in the UK alone is responsible for producing 40 million tonnes of carbon dioxide annually. Design and Technology holds the answers we need to correct these failures and it is within our young students that the future lies. At Callington we want our students to recognise the importance of ‘new and emerging technologies’ and embrace the future as responsible designers and professionals.

By the end of their education in Design & Technology at Callington Community College, all students of Design & Technology will:

  • develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world.
  •  build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users.
  • critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others.
  • be original with their thinking, developing a range of imaginative but tangible design ideas.
  • design and make products that are believable, real and meaningful.

In order to fully appreciate Design & Technology and develop a deep schema, topics in Design and Technology have been intelligently sequenced by the following rationale: 

Our curriculum is holistic in its view and carefully considers the important role that DT must play in our world. Equally it fully recognises the iterative design process which is how real designers work, and the importance of sustainability and authenticity in design. The iterative design process is a method of problem solving through a continuous process of design, model, test and evaluation. Iterative design is a process tried and tested over many thousands of years of human evolution, and it is still the way that the world’s most innovative designers work. 

Our curriculum aims to fully connect to the real world we live in. Our curriculum is sequences around the six key principles tenets of knowledge within Design and Technology: User, Purpose, Functionality, Design Decisions, Innovation and Authenticity.

The Design and Technology curriculum at Callington Community College has been influenced by:

Looking at the work of others through disciplinary reading and investigation provides a rich hinterland of knowledge. The following are important figures that provide inspiration for Design and Technology and Construction.

Design and Technology


Dieter Rams

Zaha Hadid

Harry Beck

Sir Norman Foster

Margeret Calvert

Ben Law

Lucien Day

Frank Lloyd Wright

James Dyson

Isambard Kingdom Brunel

Stephanie Kwolek

Frank Gehry

Sebastian Cox

Neri Oxman

Tom Raffield

Eileen Gray

Eileen Gray

Norma Sklarek

Personal development, addressing disadvantage and careers

Design and Technology and Construction are unique subjects in that they prepare students for employment, through disciplinary and procedural knowledge, at an early stage in their lives. In both subjects students develop a range of technical skills associated with modern industry such as measurement, marking out, formal drawing techniques, dimensional accuracy, quality control, wasting and forming processes. Students also develop important substantive and declarative knowledge, such as the origins and classifications of materials, the physical properties of materials and how they respond to forces. Students can then learn how to design structures to meet key performance requirements and respond to these forces. This is indeed powerful knowledge.

We model to students a professional environment where responsibility, the rule of law and professional practice are just as important as procedural and disciplinary knowledge. This sets down a foundation for developing responsible citizens and provides crucial life skills. Furthermore, students learn that consumers have legal rights and that all things made, be it products or buildings, must meet the necessary standards for safety and quality. Our students develop the key practical skills that can enable them to be more independent later in life, more knowledgeable consumers and able to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world.

Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural relevance

We encourage students to consider the work of designers and innovators through history, exploring the skills and technologies they developed, and the impact they have had. This is meaningful learning that provides our young people with valuable spiritual, social and cultural understanding. Through the use of disciplinary reading, we help students to recognise their relevance to the world as potential practitioners, and this can unlock powerful aspirations.

Sustainability and environment are serious considerations to any design and technology and construction student. We want students to recognise not only the remarkable achievements of human innovation, but also the damaging environmental impact much of this has led to, that is now having catastrophic consequences for our planet. However, we want students to discover that the knowledge to enable mankind to make a meaningful difference, also exists within Design and Technology and Construction. Therefore, a core value of human responsibility lies at the heart of both subjects. We aim for this learning journey to give rise to not only responsible practitioners but also future citizens who can make fully informed and responsible choices about what and how they consume.

Design Technology & Construction Year 7-9 Knowledge Overview - click here

Design Technology & Construction Year 10 Knowledge Overview - click here

Construction Year 10 Knowledge Overview - click here


Food and Nutrition

Food and Nutrition Intent 

Cooking, Food and Nutrition is an exciting practical and theoretical subject.  Through our curriculum we aim to make lessons enjoyable and fun, but purposeful so that our young people feel inspired to make the best progress they possibly can in one of the great expressions of human creativity. 

When students join us in year 7, they are invited into a discussion about whether they think it is important to learn to cook and why. Reassuringly, there is seldom a good argument against this and often the responses are positive as the students realise that not only can it contribute to lifelong health, but it is a part of growing up and becoming independent of one's parents and carers. 

Through our curriculum we reinforce the fundamental and best reasons for learning about the food we eat; the provenance of the raw ingredients, the nutritional value and the science behind how to cook with it. Our change in lifestyle over the last few decades has seen an increase in the consumption of ready meals, fast food and eating out has become more affordable and accessible. People spend less time in the kitchen as other aspects of our lives have become predominantly more important. This transformation in the way we eat has had its consequences, some of which are having a negative impact on health. The rise in obesity amongst young people is on the up and the current challenge is we have a generation of children who are too used to opening a packet of something for a snack or a meal. Led astray by the convenience, the colourful packaging and the sometimes alluring, but false health claims. 

The curriculum aim is to impress on the students the significance of developing this life skill, allowing them to make informed choices about how they can live their lives in a more positive way. The learning journey begins by building the confidence and competence needed to cook a variety of dishes using a range of equipment and different cooking methods and techniques. Using awareness of taste, texture and smell to decide how to season dishes and combine ingredients which leads our students to have confidence in adapting and using their own recipes.

Our purposefully built and well-equipped practical classrooms allow students to safely investigate and experiment, in a supportive and positive atmosphere. Theoretically our curriculum is designed to continuously inspire and develop a deeper understanding within our students of the ingredients they are working with; from a healthy eating and nutritional perspective to scientific functional properties. We also strive to embed a cultural awareness and a focus on sustainability with the materials and techniques we use in food. 

Our curriculum aims to not only equip students with a crucial life skill, but to also be resourceful, reflective and not be afraid to fail and so have the confidence to be risk takers. It is a curriculum accessible to all allowing students to become self motivated and confident learners, who can work independently and as part of a team and develop the technical, practical and wider skills competencies valued by employers. 

When delivering the Vocational Hospitality and Catering Level 1 & 2 Award to our KS4 students, every opportunity is given to enable the students to cook at a professional standard and theoretically prepare them for the real life working environment of the industry. The final practical assessment for the course is a true celebration of what they have been able to achieve on their practical learning journey and is testament to their determination to excel in this subject.

A number of our KS4 students seek out part time work in hospitality and catering establishments in a variety of roles and value the experiences they have had in the classroom at school to assist with these.

It is also rewarding to know that many year 9 students also opt for improving their cooking capability as part of their Skills for the D of E Award.

By the end of their education in Food & Nutrition  at Callington Community College, all students of Food & Nutrition will :

  • have the opportunity to cook a variety of dishes, allowing them to develop their knowledge of ingredients & cooking methods and experience of using a range of equipment during the process.
  • be more confident with their cooking capability and use of equipment, encouraging them to take risks as the complexity of dishes increases and their knowledge of food science broadens.
  • be successful independent learners who enjoy learning, understand how to make progress and achieve to their full potential and be proud of what they produce and achieve
  • understand the value of food nutritionally, socially & emotionally, being  considerate of others beliefs, culture and dietary choices
  • be responsible citizens aware of the role and place in society and the importance of Food in contributing to society locally and nationally;

The Food and Nutrition curriculum at Callington Community College has been influenced by:

The students and what they want to learn, which is of course the food they like. But the face of teaching food has changed a lot over the years and there is more of an emphasis now on the teaching of healthy eating and producing nutritionally balanced meals, that has a more traditional approach, perhaps seen a few decades ago. Students are taught more now about the importance of food provenance. There has never been a greater emphasis on encouraging working with seasonal foods, avoiding waste and being adaptable to meeting the needs of people with special diets has all very much played a part.

Our Food and Nutrition curriculum addresses disadvantage through:

In the Food dept we make sure that every student can cook and so fully support our most disadvantaged students by ensuring that they have the ingredients needed for each practical lesson planned. It is our commitment to support all of our students.   Should we identify students needing support then a supply of ingredients is always made available. For many practical lessons, students work with a buddy, as this raises levels of confidence, and allows for students who may have been absent to still experience a lesson and not miss out on the learning.

Food and Nutrition Year 7-9 Knowledge Overview - click here

Food and Nutrition Year 10-11 Knowledge Overview - click here