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Callington Community College

Callington Community College

Callington Community College

Careers and Work Experience

Key Staff Roles and Responsibilities:

  • Careers Education and Work Experience Lead – Mr E Davies
  • Work Experience Co-ordinator – Mrs L Hazeldine
  • Careers Education and Work Experience Governors Link –  Mrs B Guthrie

Careers Provision

Careers provision at Callington Community College is fully mapped to address the national framework for good careers guidance known as ‘The Gatsby Benchmarks’:

  1. A stable careers programme
  2. Learning from career and labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal guidance

Further details can be found in the CEAIG policy below.

All students have open access to the Careers Library and students are welcome to browse for further information on careers and the world of work. College, training provider and University prospectuses are also kept here. There is also an extensive college and university prospectus library held in The Sixth Form Centre.

Sixth Form students with their parents and carers can also arrange for a careers/progression interview with a qualified Careers Advisor. A member of the team will also be present at parents evenings to answer careers related questions.

Information, advice and guidance to all of our Year 12 and Year 13 students is one of our main responsibilities. There are extensive Internet based resources which offer information on the vast future options available to students.

We invite a range of outside speakers to the College to discuss issues such as Higher Education; which university; what course; how to apply for Student Finance, Apprenticeships, Internships to Health and Well-Being, and more. Students attend university and career based trips – some of these are as a year group others, some within subjects and some are done independently.

The element of guidance comes from all that we do in providing and enabling students to access the information and advice.  Through ISIs, and detailed information shared between Sixth Form tutors and teaching staff we aim to support our students in whatever their choices are during and after their time here at Callington Community College.

All students are asked to complete a leaver’s survey when they leave us and are invited to join our alumni partners, Future First. We strongly believe that ex-students can still be vibrant, exciting, worthwhile members of our college community and in events after they have left can contribute to College life.


Callington Community College believes that encounters with employers and employees help inspire and inform students. 

Activities such as the ‘I Love My Job’ event for Year 8 and speed networking for older year groups, where volunteers talk about their job role to groups of students, are organised to ensure that students have at least one meaningful encounter with an employer/employee each school year. 

In reality, students have more than this, as organised whole year and targeted events are complemented by subject teachers organising visits and inviting business volunteers into their lessons. 

Employers can also play an important role in supporting students develop employability skills through activities such as CV writing workshops and mock interviews. 

In addition, the College is always looking for new work experience and work shadowing opportunities for students.  If you would like to support the College by getting involved in any of the activities mentioned above, please get in contact with Mr E Davies or Mrs L Hazeldine.

Measuring and assessing the impact of the careers programme

Callington Community College will assess the impact of its careers programmes on students by asking Year 11 and 13 students to complete a leavers survey and analysing and tracking student destinations.  In addition, the views of students, employers and parents will be surveyed after key events e.g. the Careers Information Evening, Year 10 Work Experience, Year 12 Work Experience.

As a starting point any of the websites listed below will provide useful careers and pathways information:- - Find out about what you need to do in different job. - HE Information. If you are thinking about applying for university then this is the site for you but there is more than that here. Careerpilot. Research the local area and find out about trends in employment for lots of different jobs and colleges. Plan your study & work. Your choices at 14, 16 and 18, routes to different qualifications and job sectors. - helpful videos about a wide range of job roles.