Year 10 students attend 'Girls into Chemistry' event

On Monday 3 July, fifteen of our top year 10 female scientists attended a fantastic event at the Chemistry labs of Plymouth University.
Accompanied by Dr Maunder, the girls attended the first ever Girls into Chemistry event where they had a wonderful insight into a typical day at University studying Chemistry.
In the morning they were treated to two Fantastic lectures by eminent female Chemists, both in the Royal Society of Chemistry top 175 female chemist list. Both Professor Annie Bligh and Dr Asel Sartbaeva were inspirational in their research history and their enthusiasm for the subject.
After an informal lunch where the girls could talk to the lecturers, they decamped to the laboratories where they spent the afternoon making indigo dyes from 2-cyanonitrobenzene. They then used these dyes to create beautiful patterns in fabric using tie-dying techniques.
The day was really exciting and the students came home full of enthusiasm.