Psychologists Great Day Out!

Psychology Taster Day at Plymouth University
Year 12 Psychology students attended a taster day in order to experience how Psychology continues to develop and it’s many applications in scientific research.
They attended mini lectures at the Sherwell Centre related to some of the disciplines within Psychology including social psychology, developmental psychology and biological psychology before being shown around different workshops within the Psychology Department.
Here students were given first-hand experience of the work involved in a variety of current research projects. This included research into human decision-making and the use of Electroencephalogram (EEG) technology, using electrodes to record and observe brain waves. Then off to the Baby Lab where Oliver immediately engaged in the Eye Tracking test and students were given insight about language development and in particular bilingual capabilities. A workshop into cognition and perception demonstrated the concept of change-blindness and students then went into the workshop looking at brain imaging and witnessing one lecturer having his brain magnetically stimulated. Students were only observing!! The final workshop involved looking at the use of virtual reality and robotics in the development of treatments related to addiction and developments in counselling.
A quick lunch in the sunshine and then back to College; the students were amazing and were complemented on their level of knowledge as well as their confidence to contribute to some of the discussions.
Highlights from the visit?
“Wow, the tables are attached to the arm rests on the seats in the lecture hall”.
“It was good to be able to see REAL research in action rather than just read about it”.
“I didn’t realise how psychology can be used in so many different areas and careers”.
“It was interesting to see how many different ways you can research within psychology”.
“It was good to see how psychology is studied in a university setting compared to in a classroom”.
“Psychology is so complex!”
“It was good to see how many stairs there are in a university and realise how fit I’ll be at the end of 3 years”.
“It was really interesting and makes me more likely to apply to university”.
“I felt very clever; I knew what they were talking about!”
The visit was great for both staff (Mrs Jones) and students alike.