Royal Artillery and Infantry Careers Engagement Teams Visit

On Wednesday 11 May 2022, we welcomed members of the Royal Artillery and Infantry Careers Engagement Teams into the College. They worked with a group of 60 Year 9 and Year 10 students.
The Royal Artillery
The leaders in all things drones and other long range platforms. Jobs based around surveying, drone operator, communications, logistics and teamwork, with a local regiment based at the Royal Citadel. The team brought a number of challenges with them, including:
- Desert Hawk 3 Numbers Game - Students were shown how to assemble the Desert Hawk 3 drone, they then took part in a physical and mental challenge designed to test their communication skills and ability to work in a team.
- Rocket Game - Students were given a demonstration of a bike pump powered rocket, they then had to design their own paper projectile and hit various targets in a sectioned off area. This task focuses on the technical knowledge required under pressure in the Royal Artillery.
The Infantry
The biggest area of the Army, wherever the Army go, the Infantry are the frontline troops, usually first on the scene dealing with various challenging environments and situations. The students had a presentation and got to also try out various soldier equipment, including a night vision scope and rangefinder distance measuring binoculars.
All the students worked really well on the challenges and were very positive about the experience.