Student Subject Celebrations - 26 March 2021

During this half term, College staff have been nominating students who have shown success in their lessons. As a College, we want to recognise the resilience, excellence and determination that our students have. We hope you enjoy sharing in their successes!
Congratulations to Bluebell Yoshihara-Coles in Year 9. Miss Ramwell, from the Art Department is celebrating your success because of your amazing origami work, thank you for your constant creativity!
Congratulations to Joe Stirling in Year 10. Mr Williams, from the Geography Department is celebrating your outstanding effort throughout the lockdown period and maintaining this effort back at school.
Congratulations to Millie Wilde in Year 10. Mr Williams, from the Geography Department is celebrating your outstanding effort throughout the lockdown period and maintaining this effort back at school.
Congratulations to Scarlett Newbitt in Year 9. Ms Trujillo, from the Spanish Department is celebrating your success for always having a positive attitude, resilience and producing fantastic work of high standard. A pleasure to teach.
Congratulations to Abi in Year 7. Miss Ramwell, from the Art Department is celebrating your success. Abi has produced some amazing art work both in school and during lockdown. She always goes above and beyond and she is a brilliant artist. Well done Abi.
Congratulations to Sam Fentiman-Pavey in Year 10. Mrs Blake, from the Creative iMedia Department, is celebrating your success for excellent effort and focus in class to create your Digital Graphic.
Congratulations to Eve in Year 7. Mr Smith, from the History Department is celebrating your success because of your awesome History work on the Black Death.
Congratulations to Hollie in Year 7. Mr Smith, from the History Department is celebrating your success because of your awesome History work on the Black Death.
Congratulations to Ruby Marting in Year 8. Mr Smith, from the History Department is celebrating your success. Well done Ruby for always trying your best in History.
Congratulations to Eva Longman in Year 9. Mr Smith, from the History Department is celebrating your success because you always try your best in History lessons. Well done on your excellent attitude to work.
Congratulations to Ella in Year 10. Mr Smith, from the History Department is celebrating your success. Thanks for having such an excellent attitude towards your GCSE History work - well done Ella!
Congratulations to Tegen in Year 11. Mr Smith, from the History Department is celebrating your success because of your fantastic attitude and effort with your GCSE work - well done Tegen!
Congratulations to Noah Elliott in Year 11. Mr Smith, from the History Department is celebrating your success. Well done Noah for always having such an excellent attitude towards your GCSE History work.
Congratulations to Eloise Facey in Year 9. Mr. Davis, from the PSHE Department is celebrating your success because of your great contributions to class discussion.
Congratulations to Mia Wilson in Year 10. Mr. Davis, from the PSHE Department is celebrating your success because Thoughtful contributions to class discussion.
Congratulations to Oban in Year 8. Mrs. Bagshaw, from the PSHE Department is celebrating your success because due to your maturity and focus.
Congratulations to Stella Clark in Year 10. Mr Hortop, from the Photography Department is celebrating your success because you are consistently working hard and completing all tasks set to the best of your ability. What a fantastic unit of work completed so far. Lockdown work fully completed as well.
Congratulations to Aaron Hodge in Year 11. Mr Carson, from the DT Department is celebrating your success for real focus in lessons and always able to discuss his work positively.
Congratulations to Tyler Gregory in Year 11. Mr Carson, from the Construction Department is celebrating your success because A really positive start back! Tyler is aiming to be completely independent in his assignment work!
Congratulations to Leon Gardner in Year 10. Mr Carson, from the Construction Department is celebrating your success because A really positive start back in lessons. Leon is working really well with his table partner and trying hard!
Congratulations to Josh in Year 9. Mr Carson, from the DT Department is celebrating your success because Josh gets it right every lesson, he's a great team player and always tries his best!
Congratulations to Michael Bartlett in Year 8. Mr Carson, from the DT Department is celebrating your success for supporting other students in their practical work superbly!
Congratulations to Hudson in Year 8. Mr Carson, from the Art Department is celebrating your success because Hudson's 3D house is simply fabulous!
Congratulations to Dennis Harris in Year 8. Mrs Jones, from the Belief Culture and Ethics Department is celebrating your success because of your continued effort in class and supporting those around him.
Congratulations to Harriet Couling in Year 10. Mrs Jones, from the Psychology Department is celebrating your success because of your continued excellent work ethic.
Congratulations to Joe Stirling in Year 10. Mrs Jones, from the Psychology Department is celebrating your success because of the way you demonstrate curiosity in order to develop your understanding of our subject.
Congratulations to Jack Aston in Year 7. Mrs Wilson, from the Science Department is celebrating your success because, a great lesson first lesson in a brand new school, and he tried so hard to contribute which was fantastic.
Congratulations to Oliver in Year 8. Mr Smith, from the Science Department is celebrating your success for always being polite, trying hard and completing work to his best ability.
Congratulations to George Rule-Hodson in Year 9. Mrs Osborne, from the Science Department is celebrating your success for amazing remote learning throughout the whole of lockdown.
Congratulations to Romy Richardson in Year 10. Mrs Ainsworth, from the Science Department is celebrating your success because she was brilliantly engaged, strove to answer all questions, gave detailed responses and really strove to excel.
Congratulations to Megan Coombe in Year 11. Mr Smith, from the Science Department is celebrating your success for completing all work to her best standard and always trying to answer questions in class.
Congratulations to Meg Caley-Curtis in Year 12. Mr Hutchins, from the Science Department is celebrating your success because for perseverance and engagement with online learning, despite difficulties at the beginning of term.
Congratulations to Elizabeth in Year 13. Mr Petherick, from the Science Department is celebrating your success because you have been quietly working so hard for so long and is now seeing the improvement to her grades.
Congratulations to Jack Bellringer in Year 11. Mrs McEwan, from the Maths Department is celebrating your success because for excellent effort over lockdown and it hasn't stopped there. Jack is working incredibly hard and it is really paying off.
Congratulations to Summer Kitchen in Year 8. Mrs McEwan, from the Maths Department is celebrating your success for your continued team work, perseverance and having such an enquiring mind.
Congratulations to Wendy-May in Year 8. Mrs McEwan, from the Maths Department is celebrating your success for your continued team work, perseverance and having such an enquiring mind.
Congratulations to Antony Dyas in Year 9. Mr Hazeldine, from the Maths Department is celebrating your success because of your fantastic amount of work completed. tremendous resilience shown every lesson.
Congratulations to Charlie Underwood in Year 9. Mrs Graham, from the Maths Department is celebrating your success for your excellent attitude to lessons, happy to coach other students and humble in his understanding of maths.
Congratulations to Duncan in Year 7. Mrs Gubbin, from the Maths Department is celebrating your success for gaining confidence in Maths, having a go and offering answers.
Congratulations to Matthew Early in Year 9. Mrs Larigo, from the Maths Department is celebrating your success for outstanding subject knowledge and constantly pushing to achieve more.
Congratulations to Naomi Bettison in Year 7. Miss Mitchell, from the PE Department is celebrating your success because of amazing work in gymnastics.
Congratulations to Matthew Early in Year 9. Miss Mitchell, from the PE Department is celebrating your success for a positive work ethic, willingness to learn, attendance at clubs.
Congratulations to Feok Owen in Year 10. Miss Mitchell, from the PE Department is celebrating your success because of great work in dodge ball.
Congratulations to Finn in Year 11. Miss Mitchell, from the PE Department is celebrating your success because of great work in boxing lesson.
Congratulations to Kaihla Hall in Year 8. Mr Murray, from the PE Department is celebrating your success because for excellent answers about exercise intensity and heart rate calculation.