Student Subject Celebrations - 5 March 2021

Congratulations to Kerenza Selman in Year 11. Miss Ramwell, from the Textiles Department is celebrating your success because of your fantastic work that is original and amazing!
Congratulations to Sam Mitchell in Year 11. Mrs Lawrence, from Vocational Skills is celebrating your success because you have created a great powerpoint presentation to show data on peoples opinions about the Covid 10 Vaccination.
Congratulations to Eve in Year 7. Mrs Bagshaw, from the English Department is celebrating your success because of your excellent written work.
Congratulations to Oban in Year 8. Mrs Dyer, from the English Department is celebrating your success because of you are really engaged in lessons and always complete work to a high standard.
Congratulations to Joe Stirling in Year 10. Mrs Kirby, from the English Department is celebrating your success because of you are constantly engaged in lessons at a high level.
Congratulations to Harry Rowles in Year 11. Mrs Yendell, from the English Department is celebrating your success because of your boost in engagement and commitment to producing the best possible work. Well done Harry.
Congratulations to Stella Clark in Year 10. Mr I Smith, from the History Department is celebrating your success. Thanks Stella for always having your camera on and being ready to learn for all of your online History lessons. You are an excellent role model to the other students in the class. Thank you and well done for all of your hard work in History during lockdown.
Congratulations to Romy Richardson in Year 10. Mr Smith, from the History Department is celebrating your success. Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and participation in our online History lessons. You are an excellent role model in the subject.
Congratulations to Caitlin May in Year 9. Mr Smith, from the History Department is celebrating your success. Well done and thank you for maintaining such a positive attitude towards your online History learning. The work you have produced is FANTASTIC and I always look forward to receiving it.
Congratulations to Robyn Clavey in Year 8. Miss Mitchell, from the PE Department is celebrating your success because of your consistent attendance at live sessions, engagement in every lesson and completion of all challenges set - a superstar!
Congratulations to Ryley Miles in Year 7. Miss Larigo and Mr Mercer, from the Maths Department are celebrating your success for participating in zoom lessons with enthusiasm and completing work to a good standard.
Congratulations to Tyler Knight in Year 8. Miss Larigo and Miss Dyer, from the Maths Department are celebrating your success because you have shown excellent engagement and enthusiasm in lessons and have been completing work to a high standard.
Congratulations to Aobo Li in Year 7. Miss Larigo and Mrs Gubbin, from the Maths Department are celebrating your success for outstanding exuberance during virtual lessons and completion of work.
Congratulations to Josh in Year 9. Miss Larigo and Mrs Gubbin, from the Maths Department are celebrating your success for excellent engagement and submission of work during virtual lessons.
Congratulations to Elliott Heath in Year 10. Miss Larigo and Mrs Graham, from the Maths Department are celebrating your success because of your amazing change in attitude and some outstanding work produced which is above his target grade!
Congratulations to Josh in Year 9. Mrs Blake, from the Computer Science Department is celebrating your success because you are excelling in Computer Science lessons. Josh you have been working really hard recently and have participating in the online lessons. Well Done!
Congratulations to Ruan in Year 7. Dr Turner, from the Science Department is celebrating your success because of your superb work in Zoom lessons, great questions and answers. Just Superb.
Congratulations to Tyler in Year 8. Mr Hutchins, from the Science Department is celebrating your success for great participation in Zoom lessons this term.
Congratulations to Amy Youde in Year 9. Mr Hutchins, from the Science Department is celebrating your success for great participation in Zoom lessons this term.
Congratulations to Angus Crocker in Year 10. Mrs Frost and Dr Turner, from the Science Department are celebrating your success because you always make our zoom lessons brighter by having positive attitude and answering the GTWT.
Congratulations to Joe Butler in Year 11. Mrs Frost, from the Science Department is celebrating your success for brilliant commitment to learning over the past few weeks.
Congratulations to George Hole in Year 12. Mrs Lewis, from the Science Department is celebrating your success because of your work is always prompt and exceptional.
Congratulations to Holly Kitchen in Year 13. Dr Turner and Mr Taylor, from the Science Department are celebrating your success because you are just amazing. High quality work, brilliant answers and super incisive questions. Always gets down to the fundamentals of an issue, the perfect scientist.
Congratulations to Neve Hunn in Year 11. Mrs Yendell, from the English Department is celebrating your success because you are brilliant at reading out loud during AIC revision!
Congratulations to Ruby Scott in Year 10. Miss Ramwell, from the Art Department is celebrating your success because you are very positive and proactive in Zoom lessons. Great work too!